
Showing posts from November, 2020

Rear-End Car Collision Laws in Texas

M.D: Who should be held responsible for a rear-end collision in Texas? Read on to find the answers you seek. Did you know that rear-end collisions are the most common type of traffic accident in the United States? A recent report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration revealed that 29% of all vehicle accidents resulting in severe injuries and fatalities every year are rear-ended collisions. It's a widely held belief that once you hit a driver from behind, you’re at-fault because of the basic traffic rules such as not following another vehicle too closely, avoiding driving recklessly, and paying attention to the traffic. Is this always the case? Can the driver in front be held responsible for a rear-end collision? No-fault vs. fault states Texas and other states where fault determines the party to be held liable for an auto accident usually implement a comparative negligence concept . That means responsibility for the traffic accident is apportioned between the p